So we're getting there; slowly but surely! Thank you so much to the new supporters of this project whose kind generosity has now got us to the 60% mark. Woo hoo! 

Four days to go. Fingers crossed and work carrying on behind the scenes to make sure we get to 100% in time. 

There will, for example, be an article about this fundraiser in tomorrow's Irish World newspaper in Britain. You'll probably be able to access it on from tomorrow, if you're curious. 

With my best wishes and thanks,

Siobhan x

More info at

AuthorSiobhan Armstrong

Good news; the project is now 55% funded! We've just passed the €6,000 mark.  There are six days left so if you'll forgive me, I'm going to ask one more time for your publicity help with this. If you would consider telling three friends about the project, who might find it interesting, then I would be grateful. And if you've been intending to support it yourself but haven't yet got around to it, then now's the time. : - )  Thank you all!   Siobhan x

You can check out the project here:


AuthorSiobhan Armstrong